If I’ve learned anything about falling and failure, it’s that I have to get up. I can’t stay on my knees. I can’t cling to the crumpled remnants of failed poems. I can’t hoard unsuccessful blog posts.
I have to leave those things. I have to try again. I have to put on the roller skates. I have to put my pencil to the paper and my fingers to the keyboard. I have to face my fears.
It’s hard to do that, especially when my instinctive reaction is to flee or to hyperventilate. It’s difficult to write on a blank page when the blank page has been keeping me company for one too many days. Facing my fears is my only choice, though. I could choose not to face them, but that would mean failure. It would mean I didn’t try, and I would have to wonder what would have happened if I had.
The question, then, is how to face the fears. I think the answer is found in doing the work. I have to do the work of the writer. I have to do the work of the artist. I have to do it without an expectation of achieving perfect. I have to do it in the hopes of finding the joy associated with doing something I love.
Decide2do, then Do…Love the new site and can’t wait for the party! Cheers! Kaarina
I really am glad that you like the new site. I think it’s more my style.
Exactly! I decided to go forward with this site, and I did.
This new site is just beautiful Erin!! Well done!! All of your hard work and creativity have come together in a lovely result…you should be very proud of yourself. You seem to be a woman who really faces her fears and picks herself up to continue moving forward…despite obstacles and despite falls. You are an inspiration!
@SocialMediaDDS Thanks, Claudia! I’m so happy that people are liking the new look.

You’ll have to stop by the place on Monday so that you can enter/comment for a chance to win a personalized chibi.
It’s funny how I can be unafraid with some things. Blank pages? Bring them. Rollerskates or trampolines? Not so much.
I really like and appreciate your blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.
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