I enjoy the concept of “three words for the year” and have employed it in the past. I, however, cannot think of three words for 2017. I only possess one: growth.
The word spans the entirety of my life, perhaps explaining why I can’t find any others. “Growth” covers the business. It encompasses my faith. It even applies to my personal hopes and dreams, the ones I commit to my journal and a few close friends.
“Growth” is a big word, so I’ll give it some focus—at least in relation to the first two areas. I write about a great many things on this blog, but my personal life isn’t one of them. It isn’t the right place nor is it the right time.
Business Growth
Write Right, the business, is a year old this January. I want to see it reach two, which means it needs to grow. For me, that means attending more networking events, seeking out speaking opportunities, and contacting viable leads.
It also entails a new coloring book. (Projected publication date: March 2017.) This coloring book will include the fairytale drawings from the past year, as well as some previously unpublished work.
I want people to be surprised when they open the book for the first time. Plus, I have to have at least 24 pages in order to use Amazon’s CreateSpace. The goal, then, is both functional and for the “customer experience.”
In terms of writing, the blog posts will continue here. I also hope to start typing the poems written during the #365DayChallenge last year. My other aim involves writing some different content, potentially in partnership with Church Marketing Sucks.
Spiritual Growth
I grew a lot during Leadership Development and Foundations at The Austin Stone Community Church. I don’t want the growth to stop—ever. I took some steps in light of that goal in 2016; I joined a small group and now meet with an accountability partner every week.
More is needed, though. I so easily fall out of the habit of reading my Bible every day, even with my accountability partner, that I’ll be using a reading plan and probably a selection of daily devotionals. I’m rather excited about the effort.
That excitement evidences itself in planning. Despite being a morning person, I struggle to read my Bible in the morning. Evenings are no good; I’m tired and want to rest my brain.
So, lunchtime. I think it will be the perfect time slot because a) it ensures I read every day and b) it forces me to rest for an hour. The lunch hour, then, hits two birds with one stone: I read my Bible, and I rest, an activity that never comes easily to me.
I also will continue reading my “thinking” books, books written by people like Makoto Fujimura, Luci Shaw, and John Piper. I love hearing what they have to say. Their words give me a jumping off point when it comes to contemplating God’s words, as well as ideas for the Write Right blog.
My one word for 2017: growth. It seems more than sufficient for what I hope to accomplish. What words are directing you this year?
Image: John Lustig (Creative Commons)