Unlike the answer found in the song lyrics, email etiquette isn’t good for absolutely nothing. It’s good for absolutely everything. On a pragmatic level, it facilitates responses and productivity. On a personable level, it ensures understanding and respect.
Write Right Blog
How to Encourage Others
I often write about discouragement, so it’s only fitting that I write about encouragement. At least, I’ll share how I encourage others. I can’t seem to generalize when it comes to encouragement. Because of that, I’ll only focus on some of the ways I encourage others. I have a number of them.
Why I Draw Comics
Jason Konopinski is to blame for this post. Although I have contemplated writing a post about why I draw comics for a few months, I usually set the topic aside in favor of other subjects. I was content with that reality until Jason published his post about why he podcasts. I then had to ask myself, “Do people wonder why I draw comics?” With that thought, I resolved to write about why I draw the Write Right comics.
How’s Your Tone of Voice?
My younger brother rarely catches my tone of voice. More often than not, he takes offense with something I say because he misinterprets how I say or mean it. I then have to explain my intention. Because of that, I’ve learned to watch my tone of voice when I text with him or comment on his Facebook status. I would prefer not to fight with him 257 days out of the year.
Diabetes, Tough Mudder, and Resilience
Since today is World Diabetes Day and I’m diabetic, I thought I would share some of my story. We’ll return to the regular schedule tomorrow.
I don’t talk about diabetes very often, even though I am diabetic. Before I’m asked what type, I’ll say it: I have type one diabetes, which used to be known as juvenile diabetes until adults started to be diagnosed with it (hence “juvenile-onset” and other terms). I like to be clear about which type I have. Mine can’t be controlled through a strict diet and exercise. Those things help me to manage it and to be a healthy person, but they don’t have any bearing on my ability to break down glucose and to transmit that glucose throughout my body. I have to rely on an external source for that. It used to be insulin injections, then insulin pens. These days, I use an insulin pump, and it looks like a pager.
Are You Speaking with or at Your Audience?
I believe that a product or service is best served by speaking with one’s audience rather than speaking to or at that audience. The former suggests conversation; the latter connotes superiority. The first allows for dialogue. The second results in alienation at best and hurt feelings at worst.
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