I decided to pose my question about freelancing and entrepreneurship* on various social networks. I’ve received a variety of responses. Some of them have been detailed and included links to the Small Business Administration and other resources. Other responders have argued that freelancers are entrepreneurs and suggested that my problem is one of perception.
Write Right Blog
Encouragement through Rejection
Oh, the Irony
I never wanted to be a teacher.* Not ever. Not when I was a kid. Not when I was taking a literature class from Mrs. Borsberry in the seventh grade. Not when I was taking a high-school English class with the slightly odd Miss Barrientos (All I remember is that we, the class, almost literally dissected Beowulf, and that we listened to Rod Stewart’s “Forever Young” at full blast during one class period.). Not even when I was in college or grad school and was under the tutelage of some of my favorite professors. No, teaching never attracted me. I know myself too well. I can be a harsh taskmaster with my standards and expectations. I’m evil when given a red pen. Nobody needs to witness that sort of slaughter.
What Are Your Goals?
An aspect of the “where do you find the time” question related to goals. The question was whether publishing as often as I do helps me to reach any sort of real goal, and, if so, what goal that was. I’ve been thinking about the question a lot and have been trying to find the words to describe my goals.