Sometimes, life is hard. You find out you owe thousands of dollars in taxes. You have a huge deductible to meet. Your house payment has gone up because of county taxes. Your brother can’t find a job. You’re lonely.
An Excellent Strategy
“Whatever you do, do it with excellence to the glory of God, and do it strategically for the mission of God.” – J.D. Greear
Being a believer in Jesus changes how I view work. Work isn’t about profit, although profit is nice. Work isn’t about approval, although I like to hear that I’m doing a good job from time to time. Work isn’t a burden, although some days—like today when it’s gloomy—it’s hard.
Good Leaders Are Balanced
“Good leaders are balanced and require balance of their employees.” – J.D. Greear
When work is an expression of love for God and others, I don’t worry about the work-life balance. I am balanced. I don’t get pulled into workaholicism. I don’t set standards of perfection. I aim for something else entirely: glorifying God and blessing others.
On Mission and Values
I’ve been thinking—a dangerous pastime, I know—about mission and values. I can’t stop thinking about them. I’m going through a course called Work as Worship, and my mind constantly buzzes with thoughts about identity, activities, faith, work, and entrepreneurship. I know I’m a one-woman
hurricane, er, team, but…what if…
[Read more…] about On Mission and Values
How to Start the Day Right
It Doesn’t Hurt to Ask
If you’re going to be an entrepreneur, you have to get comfortable with knocking on doors. Some will open. Others will be slammed in your face. A few open partially—the chain or foot stays in the door. It’s your job to convince the person behind it to open the door fully.