Last week, I mentioned some changes were going to be made at Write Right. They were implemented over the weekend and are attested to by the new header and updated “Work with Me” page and drop-down menu. Both things have been done in response to some self-reflection and a desire for 2013 to be different from and bigger than 2012.
The changes have been planned since mid-November, but I ran into an obstacle: my site’s tagline. Although I’ve known “writing consulting and coaching” isn’t the greatest tagline for some time, I let it be. By the time I started to contemplate a new tagline, I’d talked with some people about my ideas for Write Right and had been given the concept of an editor with a heart.
The concept filled my head for several days, much to my dismay. “An editor with a heart” is altogether cheesy even if it encapsulates some of my approach to editing. The phrase isn’t in keeping with the tongue-in-cheek humor that tends to pervade Write Right. It took almost a week of frustration and at least six or seven pages of ideas before I managed to free myself of the “heart” concept.
Freedom started to come through the writing of ideas as well as a conversation on Twitter. I tweeted with another writer about how good editors are always needed, which led to thoughts about pens and how good pens – especially good red pens – are hard to find. I started with the phrase “a good red pen is hard to find,” but I didn’t like it for two reasons. The first had to do with rhythm; the second had to do with some of the different aims for and background of Write Right.
I’m not simply an editor. I’m also an editor who writes. Thus, copywriting and editing will receive more attention in 2013. I also hope to speak more often. I can edit and write for the rest of my life, but I think to make a difference and to see Write Right become what it could be, I need to speak with people. I need to share my understanding of the writing life and of how good writing is essential not only for creative writers but also for writers in the business world. I need to let them know about Write Right and how a good pen is hard to find.
That reminds me, I need to write more! 🙂
Hajra In between everything else you’re doing these days? We seem to enjoy keeping full schedules. 🙂
Erin F. Trying to read as much as I can – academic and otherwise. Finished just one book since the new year. Started another one, lets hope I am able to manage things fine!
Hajra I’m sure you will. It’s funny how things works out, even though we don’t know how or if they will.
A good pen is hard to find, especially a red one 😉 Glad you’re steaming ahead, particularly with the speaking. Looking forward to hearing more about that.
Craig McBreen Thanks, Craig! SXSW is the biggest speaking engagement I have. I hope it will lead to more opportunities but perhaps with less of a time investment. I don’t even want to think about how many hours I’ve already put into my twelve-minute presentation. 🙂
I thought the good pen idea was funny, mostly because I remember my youngest brother saying he liked one of my Pilot pens. It was all I could do not to grab the pen away from him. Fortunately, I had two of them, so I could share, if needed.
Hi Erin, I do very much like the tagline. A good pen IS hard to find. I wanted to say thanks for the great tips i have picked up here I started visiting. They work. Cheers.
Can I make one suggestion? I am asking but i am going ahead too before you say yes or no. How about a picture of you in your about page. Personally I find it great when we get to see your smiling face to identify with. I love the sketch too.
rdopping I’m so glad to hear that! The self-doubt started to creep around once I changed the header image this weekend.
A photo of me on the about page? That’s a good suggestion. It’s doable. I have an idea for it. I’ll try to work on it this weekend, depending on how the work for SXSW goes on Saturday.