My creative release is drawing. It allows me to play in a way that differs from my writing. Drawing gives room for light and laughter.
Writing, which I consider my primary talent, usually isn’t the place for laughter. I’ve tried for humorous and failed many a time. Comedic writing isn’t my natural bent. Sarcasm, perhaps, and maybe even satire, but not lighthearted poems, essays, or blog posts. My writing dwells in a different landscape than my art does.
Art, then, makes and gives space to the writing and to me. It gives my more serious nature some breathing room. It lets in a little light to what could easily become a dark and dreary place. It informs and shapes it.
It also makes space for silliness, something for which I am not unknown. How else the Write Right character? The ability to poke fun at writers and editors? The mischief and desire to involve people in what I’m doing, be it serious or silly?
Art, too, is a way of rest. When I draw, I don’t think about words. I think about lines and arrangement on the page. My mind relaxes. I draw my initial shapes and begin to form characters and settings. I find myself telling a story in the arrangement of eyes and shape of body. I am released from the bounds of writing and, in that release, am offered a new way of understanding my art, my writing, and myself.
What’s your creative release?
Image: Natalie Ratkovski (Creative Commons)
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