If you’re going to be an entrepreneur, you have to get comfortable with knocking on doors. Some will open. Others will be slammed in your face. A few open partially—the chain or foot stays in the door. It’s your job to convince the person behind it to open the door fully.
Make your case; ask the question. It doesn’t hurt to ask. All people can do is say “no.” You’ll hear that response at times, perhaps a lot of times. Don’t give up. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how many people want you to succeed.
You’ll never know, though, if you don’t ask. Being an entrepreneur requires a fair amount of bravery and confidence balanced against humility. You don’t know everything. You do need help, maybe not right now but eventually. Everybody does. Everybody hits a limit.
When they—and you—do, you have two choices. You can admit defeat. Crawl home. Lick the wounds. Find an employer who offers a steady paycheck and benefits.
The other option is to ask for help. Say you’re looking for work. Be specific about what you need.
If you can ask this time, it’ll be easier the next time, so get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Embrace the way of humility. Be brave. It doesn’t hurt to ask.
Image: U.S. Department of Agriculture (Creative Commons)