It’s easy to forget I’m not flying solo. I get so busy moving forward that I forget all the people around me, the ones who support me. The same goes for God. When I start a new project or have a new direction to head, I can get caught up in it. God? Who’s that? My prayer life and Bible reading dwindle away to nothingness.
I feel the lack; the weariness encountered in the midst of a project isn’t all due to the project. It’s found in not keeping community, not sharing burdens—and that goes both ways. When I’m not bearing other people’s burdens, I become completely self-absorbed. When I don’t share mine, I’m a liar. I reject the truth and grace that could be mine if I were only to open myself and be poured out and into.
It’s easier to neglect God. It’s not as though I physically see Him every week. I don’t have a standing appointment or, at least, so I think. If I step back for a minute and remember who He is and who I am in light of Him, everything changes. How can I not meet with this God who created and saved me? How can I not talk with Him about all the ideas swirling in my head? How can I not ask for aid?
I can’t because I’m not ever flying solo. Don’t get me wrong. I do forget the fact. I become Martha bustling around the kitchen when I should be choosing what’s better. I try to figure things out logically. While those are qualities God has embedded in me, I need to come back to the truth, be grounded in it. I am to obey God’s calling on my life and do the things that need to be done, but He is always, always the One who makes things grows.
I can leave my worries and ideas and dreams with Him. He’s got this. He has a plan. All I’m called to do is rest in it. After all, the eagle doesn’t worry about being able to fly. He just takes flight and wheels the skies. He may look like he’s flying solo, but he’s not. He never is. He’s borne aloft on the wings the Creator God gave him.
Image: USFWSmidwest (Creative Commons)