When I told my friend, Kaarina Dillabough, I had to run off to a termite inspection, I meant it. I was running off to a termite inspection. She may have known I was being truthful, but she followed my comment with one of her own: “‘I’ve got to run off to a termite inspection’ would be a great title for a blog post.” I verified that she meant her words and, without further ado, accepted her challenge.
I’ve accepted similar challenges in the past. I’m not usually one to back away from a challenge, even if it’s a silly one. I’ve sometimes gotten myself into trouble with my competitive nature (Bloodied knees, anyone?), but most of the writing challenges have turned out well. I’ve written about gorillas, polar bears, and blue whales because of a challenge issued and accepted.
When it comes to Kaarina’s challenge, I’m a little more lost than usual. What exactly can I say about a termite inspection? As I’ve been thinking about the challenge, I keep returning to an essay entitled “The Shape of Content.” The author, Ben Shahn, states:
Content, I have said, may be anything. Whatever crosses the human mind may be fit content for art – in the right hands. It is out of the variety of experience that we have derived varieties of form; and it is out of the challenge of great idea that we have gained the great in form – the immense harmonies in music, the meaningful related actions of the drama, a wealth of form and style and shape in painting and poetry.
Content may be and often is trivial. But I do not think that any person may pronounce either upon the weight or upon the triviality of an idea before its execution in a work of art. It is only after its execution that we may note that it was fruitful of greatness or variety of interest.
I don’t think termites or a termite inspection have much “weight” to them, at least not in my hands. The two subjects might be better served by another. I do think, though, that “[c]ontent…may be anything,” and it’s in embracing anything that one finds a sense of play and wonder.
Photo: Alan Bruce (CC BY 2.0)
Looking forward to the follow up post: “The Basics of Woodshop: How to Rebuild after Termites Eat your Living Room”
John_Trader1 Haha! Well, I did just bug-bomb my house…Maybe I can write about that. 🙂
John_Trader1 To be followed by: Ten tips for Termite-proofing…and here’s the proof:)
KDillabough I knew I should have taken a photo of the Raid cans.
Yay Erin, for taking up the challenge! I love that! And yes…content can be anything. It’s funny: as I read the line “a wealth of form and shape in painting and poetry” this Haiku was created immediately in my mind:termite inspection vast voids of old space now filledwith rambling termites How’s that for picking up on your title? Glad you went with it;) Cheers! Kaarina
KDillabough It’s alive, Kaarina, it’s alive!I don’t think I ever turn down a writing challenge or exercise. I love the things.
My! You sure are a smart lady to begin with that title. And really, content can be anything, you just have to know how to make it interesting! 🙂
Hajra That is the truth. Content can be anything – the trick is making it readable and worthwhile.
Hajra Exactly. I call it “finding an angle.” 🙂
Looks like livefyre’s not yet sorted itself out. Seeing some comments come into my inbox, but not here. Just wanted you to know.
KDillabough That’s odd. Can you see them now? (I feel like this conversation quickly will become a version of the “Can you hear me now?” commercial.) Let’s see what livefyre says. I thought the problem had been resolved.
Erin F. I’m missing the Raid can comment that I see in my inbox
KDillabough Hey there, which user left the comment you’re missing? Happy to hunt it down!
KDillabough Hey there, would you mind sharing the username that comment was from? I’ll help ya hunt it down.Thanks!
JMattHicks The comment is mine; it’s in reply to a thread between John_Trader1 and KDillabough.
Comments from FixerAccount, JMattHicks and Erin appear in my email inbox, but not here.
KDillabough Well, boo.
I’m sorry to hear that you have had experience with termites of late. One of my friends had to fight against a termite infestation in his home. It was really rather scary. I’m glad though that he was able to take care of the problem and that his house is still structurally sound. http://www.petersonspestcontrol.com.au/termites/