A lot has changed since last year’s National Poetry Month post. I now share poems on a weekly basis on the Facebook page, both my own poems as well as the poems of others. I’m not writing a new poem every day. I kept the schedule until my life became the whirlwind known as moving to Austin and starting a job. I’m trying to get back into a regular rhythm with my poetry. I miss the rhythm, and I know I need to be writing poetry more consistently. It’s the only way to become a better poet – that, and reading poetry.
The Hunger Games Hype
I’ve never been one for reading a book or series of books because of the hype surrounding them. Harry Potter? No. The series with the sparkly vampire? Negative. The Hunger Games? Yes. I read those books.
For the Love of Books
What Do You Read?
It* seems that every time a new Harry Potter film comes to theatres, I have to have the following conversation and answer the following questions:
“Have you seen the new Harry Potter movie?”
“Have you read the books?”
“What do you read?” (sometimes accompanied by a tone of indictment)
Jason Konopinski: Chibified
As the winner of the drawing held in honor of the Write Right Launch Party, Jason Konopinski has been chibified. He is pictured with Bailey, his dog, and a novel – or perhaps a collection of poems – by Jack Kerouac. In the story I’ve created, the two are at the dog park. Bailey has fallen asleep after chasing some squirrels, giving Jason some time to read.