Writers put a lot of stock in finding the right word. Justifiably so; the right word is the right word. No other word but that one will do. Sometimes, though, the right word simply doesn’t exist.
Write Right: Meat, Meet, and Mete
In the past, a bear once “picked” a cave on the other side of a mountain “peak” because he “peeked” at the cave, and it “piqued” his interest. Today’s lesson features no bears, but it does pay attention to the homophones “meat,” “meet,” and “mete.”
Stop Being Innovative
Write Right: Advice and Advise
Write Right: All Aboard for “Al+”
A number of words begin with “al+”; however, a number of them do not. They are common misspellings to which even I have succumbed upon occasion. I try to keep all the words organized and correct, but, yes, even the person behind Write Right is human. I make mistakes. I use the wrong word, sometimes an altogether wrong and non-existent word.
Write Right: Every Day versus Everyday
I know; I know. I’m being persnickety with today’s post. Some may accuse me of being a grammar Nazi. My reply: read this post about why I dislike the term “grammar Nazi.” Now I may continue with my persnicketiness.