“Dream big” and “work hard” are phrases often fed to kids. Kids are told if they work hard enough that their dreams will come true. They will find Mr. or Mrs. Right. They will get the dream job with the cushy salary. They’ll live the American dream.
Quit with the Pedestals
I understand that writers and artists tend to view the world a little differently than other people.* It’s part of being a creative person. I don’t understand how that difference results in being placed upon a pedestal. Writers are not a different caliber of human being. If they’re pricked, they bleed. If they’re tickled (and they’re ticklish), they laugh. If they’re poisoned, they die, and if they’re wronged, they may take revenge (Another reason to be careful when in a relationship with a writer. Break her heart, and she’s likely to murder the offending person in a poem or story.).¹