“Effect” and “affect.” They can be a troublesome pair. When is one the right word and when is one the wrong one?
writing rules
Write Right: Who, Which, and That
Remember the Writing Rules
In the past few weeks, I’ve stumbled upon articles that suggest a person forget the basic rules of writing, grammar, and punctuation. The authors suggest that a person should focus on voice at the expense of those rules. I can’t argue against the necessity of voice – it is important – but I can argue against forgetting the basic rules.
Write Right: Less versus Fewer
Write Right: Split Infinitives
Split infinitives are like split lips or split ends. All three are bad, and all three require some work. Split ends require scissors and – I hope – a good hairstylist. Split lips need ice and maybe some stitches. Split infinitives? Split infinitives require editing, perhaps some ice but more likely scissors and glue (Cut and paste is a good friend to have.).
Write Right: Your versus You’re
The difference between “your” and “you’re” seems fairly self-evident, but they often are mistaken for each other. “Mistaken” may not be the correct word. I think the two words are misused because of auto-correct and a neglect to proofread one’s work prior to hitting send, publish, or share.