I understand that writers and artists tend to view the world a little differently than other people.* It’s part of being a creative person. I don’t understand how that difference results in being placed upon a pedestal. Writers are not a different caliber of human being. If they’re pricked, they bleed. If they’re tickled (and they’re ticklish), they laugh. If they’re poisoned, they die, and if they’re wronged, they may take revenge (Another reason to be careful when in a relationship with a writer. Break her heart, and she’s likely to murder the offending person in a poem or story.).¹
Is It Time for New Glasses?
I’ve written about perspective previously, but it’s usually been in relation to seeing oneself correctly – to have the right amount of confidence or to act in a manner worthy of one’s business and calling. Perspective, though, has a wide variety of applications. In this instance, the application is to the writing life.
What Are Your Goals?
An aspect of the “where do you find the time” question related to goals. The question was whether publishing as often as I do helps me to reach any sort of real goal, and, if so, what goal that was. I’ve been thinking about the question a lot and have been trying to find the words to describe my goals.
Email Etiquette: A Dying Art?
I probably should not write this post because people are going to become afraid to email me. Some people already are afraid to post on my Facebook page. They think they’ll make a grammatical error, and I’ll attack them with my red pen. I’ve tried to explain that isn’t the case; I want people to ask grammar questions so that I can answer them. I never meant for my “Write Right” series to strike the fear of the red pen into people.
National Poetry Month 2012
A lot has changed since last year’s National Poetry Month post. I now share poems on a weekly basis on the Facebook page, both my own poems as well as the poems of others. I’m not writing a new poem every day. I kept the schedule until my life became the whirlwind known as moving to Austin and starting a job. I’m trying to get back into a regular rhythm with my poetry. I miss the rhythm, and I know I need to be writing poetry more consistently. It’s the only way to become a better poet – that, and reading poetry.
The Importance of Exercise
People exercise for a variety of reasons. They sometimes exercise simply to exercise, but they usually have an end goal, a purpose, even if it’s only to be seen by others. Others exercise for health reasons. Still others exercise in order to perform better in a sport. Other people exercise because they want to improve in a specific area, such as weightlifting or cardio.