I should subtitle this post “A Case of Copy and Paste.” I have learned, after spending some time with my two sites’ databases and after having someone else look at those databases, that I am not going to be able to import my old posts into my new site. I could let those posts remain on the old site – I probably will for at least a little while longer – but I would like to have them on the new one.
I have several reasons for wanting those posts on my new site. One, I have almost two years worth of posts on the old site. I don’t want to lose them when or if that site finally dies. I don’t have much control over the backend of the site or interaction with the owners of the content management system, so I don’t know what will happen with the site. Because of that, I want to rescue my posts as soon as possible. I do have the posts stored in a new database thanks to the kindheartedness and generosity of Dust Bunny Mafia, but the posts still are housed within an unmanageable and almost unusable SQL file.
Two, many of the posts add value to the conversations currently being held at Write Right. Some of those posts won’t make the transition from the old site to the new one, hence the title “The Things I Keep.” They were written before I had a specific aim. Now that I have one, I’ll be given the opportunity to act as an editor as I copy and paste the posts into WordPress.
The process won’t be all that different from my usual writing process. I often say that I write first and edit later. With this new project, I’ll simply be bringing the editing function to the fore. I’ll be focusing on creating a more cohesive work as I choose the things I will keep.
I’m glad I could help, wish I could have found a good way to get the rest in. On the other hand, it’s a good thing because, “…I’ll be given the opportunity to act as an editor as I copy and paste the posts into WordPress,” and now you can focus on the ones that relate most specifically to your overall aim.
@DustBunnyMafia Yes, indeedy! I didn’t mention this in the post, but I do want to write a book at some point. Refining the posts I keep on this site should contribute toward that effort or, at the very least, give me a better sense of direction regarding a book project.
@Erin F. physical book or e-book?
@DustBunnyMafia Probably both. I’m still thinking about the possibility because I think I have two different ideas occurring. One specific to Write Right and one that’s more related to the writing life.
Its kind of like cleaning the closet…it gives you an opportunity to look at things you haven’t seen for awhile and see if they still “fit”…and if they don’t, then they get put aside. As much of a hassle as reviewing and repurposing your posts may be, it really IS a good feeling when the house cleaning is done!! Nothing like a good Spring cleaning!!
@SocialMediaDDS I’ve had the “It doesn’t fit” reaction to more than one of my earliest posts. I know the aim I had in writing those posts and may talk about that in a future post here, but they don’t necessarily belong here. I did find one of my early Write Right posts, although I wasn’t using the title at the time. I guess I already was reaching toward what I have here and didn’t even know it. 🙂
Thanks for popping into the place, Claudia. I know life must be crazy since you’re about to launch the new office.