One of my goals as an entrepreneur is to work with excellence rather than with perfectionism. It’s not easy for me; I sometimes joke that I’m a recovering perfectionist. I always have to take time and evaluate how I’m doing the work I’m doing.
Maybe I’m making some headway in the department. It could explain why clients say they can give me any topic, ranging from aerial drones and puppy proofing to cloud-based call center technologies and solar wearables, and trust that I’ll “hit it out of the park.” Others have remarked on my honesty or the amount of research I do.
What those clients say is true, but I struggle to keep the paragraph. I haven’t arrived. I’m not a solid hitter; I still mess up. And, it feels like boasting to report what clients have said. It makes me uncomfortable. It doesn’t feel like working with excellence.
Maybe, though, the tension is a good thing. It keeps me in check. It prevents me from thinking I’m adequate in myself. It ensures I stay humble, focus on God while doing good work, and seek my provision from the one who makes a way for me. If I’m working with excellence or doing anything praiseworthy, it’s because of him, who he is and what he’s done for me.
May I never lose sight of that fact.
To God be all the glory and praise.
You are more than enough.
Image: Smabs Sputzer (Creative Commons)