The words do not come easily this morning. I am exhausted, weary even. I don’t want to sit in front of my laptop and try to compose something; I want to crawl back into bed and pretend I don’t have responsibilities. I don’t want to write when I’m in this mood, but I know better. I know better than to give into despondency. I know to fight it. I’m a writer, and writers write.
I trust if I continue to write, if I marshall past this emotion, I will get to something. Maybe I’ll even get to something else. I will have an “encounter,” as Paul Celan says. I will meet the self that isn’t encumbered by daily life and isn’t an obsessive-compulsive perfectionist. I know this. Even so, everything in me rages against the attempt. I feel a tension with the words and with myself. Everything is a bit sideways. I want the world to realign.
I know, though, that realignment begins by writing one word then another. “Bird by bird,” Anne Lamott says. That’s why I sit down. I write. I write the one bird, then I write another. I keep writing about those birds until I find something and something else.
The day and its responsibilities order me away from my laptop and toward what is on the day’s agenda. I may not feel ready for the day, but I’ve written. I’ve written my birds. I’ve attempted to have an encounter. For now, that will have to be enough.
Image: Dr Phil (CC BY NC SA 2.0)
Some days are easier than others, but kudos for plowing ahead. 🙂
WordsDoneWrite I try. I haven’t written very much this week. I need to work on that. 🙂
Totally get this and love what you came up with. “Just show up.” And start writing which means eventually you’ll get there even if it means you have to delete the first five paragraphs. 🙂
Lisa Gerber I’m thinking that I need to exert some caution when giving this advice. I’ve been reading Hey Whipple, and the author talks about how writing down everything is part of the initial process but not necessarily ideal when trying to move toward something of concrete quality. I know that’s innate in my own process, but I perhaps need to spell it out at some point…
That being said, if you write nothing, nothing happens. 🙂